Delivery box, mailbox, elevator, intercom with TV monitor, auto-lock, bicycle parking (free), motorbike parking (paid), security cameras, 24-hour trash disposal, manager on patrol, management rules and usage regulations, etc. None, BS compatible, CS110° compatible, Internet compatible, No Internet usage fee, 2 wall-mounted air conditioners, System kitchen, Grill, Heated toilet seat, Sink with shower, Bathroom heater/dry function, Reheating function, Separate vanity, Separate bathroom toilet, Double lock, Dimple key, Motion sensor at entrance, Intercom with monitor, Shoe box, Flooring, Dining kitchen lighting, Indoor washing machine space, 24-hour ventilation system, Soundproof sashes, Indoor clothesline
Bicycle parking (free), pets allowed, 24-hour trash disposal, available for use along 2 or more train lines, no internet usage fee (only available through Tsunagu Net), electronic contracts available